The association is domicilated at the
Handelskammer beider Basel (Chamber of Commerce of Basle)
St. Jakobs-Strasse 25, 4010 Basel Schweiz
The Chamber exists since 1996 but under various names, domiciles and different focuses but with similar targets.
Swisscham-Africa is widely recognized as a key player in advancing Africa-Swiss economic relationships. As an independent organization, the Chamber co-operates with many public and private institutions that pursue similar goals.
Swisscham-Africa can present facts and figures about the present situation in Africa which are based on our local experience, our network and sources like WTO (World Trade Organisation), EBCAM (European Business Council for Africa and the Mediteraneen) and international papers focusing on Africa like e.g. the Washington Post etc.
Swisscham-Africa is the Swiss African Chamber of Commerce for Trade and Investments for Swiss Companies and Institutions promoting Trade and Investments in African Countries, but also for African Companies promoting Trade in Switzerland and Europe.
As the private sector plays a key role in the economical development of African Countries Swisscham-Africa can help small and medium companies in Switzerland to develop new markets in Africa which creates a potential for additional sales and increased profitability.
- We provide you access to our enormous know-how and even more important to our practical experience made on ground in the various African countries.
- We can help you in the intial phase of a project and final execution of a project. In specific Countries (e.g. Nigeria, Ghana etc.) we can register your company, set-up the basic infrastructure and hand it over as a «turnkey project» to you.
- We maintain a substantial network (Embassies, Various Associations etc.) in Switzerland and Africa where you can benefit directly.
- We inform our members with Newsletters and keep this website ready with meaningful information.

It is with deep sadness that we must inform you that our highly esteemed past president and current vice president
Peter Hartmann
has passed away on Sunday, August 21, 2022.
go to NEWS
PH passed his whole carreer in logistics. Started as a forwarding agent in Basel, Geneva and London.
As from 1976 Traffic Manager with a Canadian Multinational in Fribourg.
From 1991 to 2001 Managing Director of a ship’s agent in Zurich, representing shipping companies like Hamburg-Sued, Safmarine, CSAV, APL etc.
From 2001 to 2004 founder and director of the Swiss office of CMA-CGM in Basel.
As from 2004 comittee member and from 2014 president of Swisscham-Africa.
Countries & Chapters

Dynamic, entrepreneurial and result oriented line manager. Highly international profile. A strategic thinker with a global vision, able to translate the latter into action with a focus on delivering results. A leader and federator, structured with strong sense of priorities. A seasoned negotiator, at ease in complex business and regulatory situations. Successfully completed numerous acquisitions and their subsequent integration. Innovative and used to steering change management. At ease both in a corporate and SME environment.
Excellent communication skills. multilingual and multicultural. Possesses an in-depth knowledge of the service and consumer goods industries.
Also a politician with a strong sense of corporate social responsibility. Able to balance macro/political considerations and micro/business efficiency. Very familiar with public policy, regulatory aspects and PPPs.
Strong engagement in favor of energy saving and environmental programs. Current Member of the Swiss Parliament, also member of the parliamentarian foreign affair commission.
Countries & Chapters
Contact to Parliament